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So, the Miami Book Fair ended yesterday.  My buddy, M., and I always try to make it to the street fair.  Actually, the first time I went was about twelve year ago.  That year I went by myself and, being relatively new to Miami, got all turned around on the Metro Mover.  I think I rode that thing in a giant circle about four times before I figured out which stop was closest to the entrance to the fair.  Of course, after the fair came the task of figuring out how to get back to my car.  Last year, M. and I drove separately because she was coming from further south and I from further north.  She always gets primo parking — practically at the gates to the thing.  I, however, had to park about ten blocks away on the ground floor of a garage designed by M.C. Escher.

Last year, there was a huge tent of comics.  I think the two biggest draws for that tent, though, were A) the air-conditioning and B) the comics (in that order).  This year, the comic vendors and author/illustrator types seemed fewer and smaller.  This is perhaps because Tate’s decided not to participate this year.  Or perhaps they all just blew their travel budget for the year at ComicCon.

I ended up with enough books to give myself a good arm workout carrying them around (also, they didn’t all fit in my little cotton Books N Things bag and I had to break out the heavy artillery (Hartford’s flat-bottom shopping bag)).  I also got several back issues of literary journals at 5 for $5.
